Services for Chinese companies
1. Russian legislation analysis concerning issue which the cusitomer is interested in, providing information upon request
- consulting about any issue in civil, corporate, tax, labour, land, forest, water and other nature- conducted legislation.
- legal examination of constituent and other documents of legal entities
- recommendation concerning specifics of application and interpretattion of regulatory acts
- concerning tax legislation:
- tax optimisation
- legal examination of labour ans civil agreements in case of tax risks
- analysis of internal documents for tax optimisation
- legal examination of civil, labour agreemnts and another documents of legal entities and individual enterpreneurs upon its compliance with Russian legistation
- collection of regulatory acts as well as acts of Supreme Sourt of Russian Federation, Supreme Arbitration Court of Russian Federation, Arbitration Courts of districts of Russian Federation (court practice) upon Customer's request
2. Registration of foreign organisations in Russia, accreditation of representative offices and and branches of foreign legal entities in Russia
- assistance in choosing of legal and organisation form of the legal entity
- preparation of constituent documents of legal entities
- legal examination of constituent and another documents of legal entities
- amendments to constituent docuemnts of LLC (re-registration of LLC)
- legal due-diligence of the supplier in Russia (partner in Russia)
3. Transactions' legal support and draftionf of contracts
- drafting and support of civil contracts in accourdance with legislation of the Russian Federation (agent agreements, real estate lease, lease of a vehicle, service agreement, donation, trust management of property, loan, pledge, commission, commercial concession, sale and purchase of the real estate property, leasing, exchange, transportation, contract, order, delivery, insurance, storage), labour agreements.
- legal support of any transactions including delivery of goods from China
4. Legal support of real estate transactions in Russia, registration of rights on real estate objects in Russia
- participation in negotiations on Customer's side during making\receiving an advance payment for real estate object in Russia
- written conclusion, which includes analysis of title and another documents on real estate object, documents concerning emergence and tranfer of ownership rights, risks of loss and limitation of ownership (in Russia)
- legal support of transaction (participation of lawyer in negotiations on Customer;s side, documents' analysis upon compliance with current legislation, consultations to the customer on project and execution of the agreement for the aquisition/alienation of property in Russia)
- full legal support of the transaction (participation of a lawyer in negotiations on customer's side documents' analysis upon compliance with current legislation, consultations to the customer on project and execution of the agreement for the aquisition/alienation of property in Russia, written legal opinion, which includes analysis of title and other documents on real estate object, documents concerning emergence and tranfer of ownership rights, risks of loss and limitation of ownership)
- written lawyer's opinion on verification of title and another documents, provided by customer and concerning real estate object in the new building with analysis of all possible risks during transaction (in Russia)
- oral legal advice on residental real estate object with study of submitted documents (in Russia)
- registration of inheritance rights (inheritance) in Russia
- registration of ownership rights on real estate objects in Russia
- execution of sell and purchase agreement on real estate object in Russia
- execution of donation agreement for real estate object in Russia
- execution of lease agreement for real estate object in Russia, selection of rental objects
- execution of admensuration agreement with or without alienation of real estate object (in Russia)
- restoratio of title and legal documents (in Russia)
- consulting on mutual settlements between the parties of sell and purchase agreement in Russia
5. Solving conflict situations
- Applications, petitions and other procedutal cocuments submission to courts, arbitration courts, state authorities of Rissian Federation, local authorities
- claim work (drawing up letters, claims and other documents addressed to Customer's partners and contractors)
- representation of Customer's interests in courts, arbitrage courts of Russia inclung in disputes on debts' recovery.