We are glad to provide the following services:

1. Consulting concerning ;egal entities' bankruptcy;
2. Study of constituent documents of the company, that expresses a desire to provide a petition for bankruptcy;
3. Consultiong about bankruptcy moratorium;
4. Consulting at the stage of introduction for bankroptsy by the bankruptcy commissioner;
5. Study of all risks when you provide petition of your own bankruptcy;
6. How to make bankruptcy commissioner play by your rules?

1. Russian legislation analysis concerning issue which the cusitomer is interested in,  providing information upon request

  • consulting about any issue in civil, corporate, tax, labour, land, forest, water and other nature- conducted legislation.
  • legal examination of constituent and other documents of legal entities
  • recommendation concerning specifics of application and interpretattion of regulatory acts
  • concerning tax legislation:
  • tax optimisation
  • legal examination of labour ans civil agreements in case of tax risks
  • analysis of internal documents for tax optimisation
  • legal examination of civil, labour agreemnts and another documents of legal entities and individual enterpreneurs upon its compliance with Russian legistation
  • collection of regulatory acts as well as acts of Supreme Sourt of Russian Federation, Supreme Arbitration Court of Russian Federation, Arbitration Courts of districts of Russian Federation (court practice) upon Customer's request 

2. Registration of foreign organisations in Russia, accreditation of representative offices and and branches of foreign legal entities in Russia

  • assistance in choosing of legal and organisation form of the legal entity
  • preparation of constituent documents of legal entities
  • legal examination of constituent and another documents of legal entities
  • amendments to constituent docuemnts of LLC (re-registration of LLC)
  • legal due-diligence of the supplier in Russia (partner in Russia)

3. Transactions' legal support and draftionf of contracts

  • drafting and support of civil contracts in accourdance with legislation of the Russian Federation (agent agreements, real estate lease, lease of a vehicle, service agreement, donation, trust management of property, loan, pledge, commission, commercial concession, sale and purchase of the real estate property, leasing, exchange, transportation, contract, order, delivery, insurance, storage), labour agreements.
  • legal support of any transactions including delivery of goods from China

4. Legal support of real estate transactions in Russia, registration of rights on real estate objects in Russia 

  • participation in negotiations on Customer's side during making\receiving an advance payment for real estate object in Russia
  • written conclusion, which includes analysis of title and another documents on real estate object, documents concerning emergence and tranfer of ownership rights, risks of loss and limitation of ownership (in Russia)
  • legal support of transaction (participation of lawyer in negotiations on Customer;s side, documents' analysis upon compliance with current legislation, consultations to the customer on project and execution of the agreement for the aquisition/alienation of property in Russia)
  • full legal support of the transaction (participation of a lawyer in negotiations on customer's side documents' analysis upon compliance with current legislation, consultations to the customer on project and execution of the agreement for the aquisition/alienation of property in Russia, written legal opinion, which includes analysis of title and other documents on real estate object, documents concerning emergence and tranfer of ownership rights, risks of loss and limitation of ownership)
  • written lawyer's opinion on verification of title and another documents, provided by customer and concerning real estate object in the new building with analysis of all possible risks during transaction (in Russia)
  • oral legal advice on residental real estate object with study of submitted documents (in Russia)
  • registration of inheritance rights (inheritance) in Russia
  • registration of ownership rights on real estate objects in Russia
  • execution of sell and purchase agreement on real estate object in Russia 
  • execution of donation agreement for real estate object in Russia
  • execution of lease agreement for real estate object in Russia, selection of rental objects
  • execution of admensuration agreement with or without alienation of real estate object (in Russia)
  • restoratio of title and legal documents (in Russia)
  • consulting on mutual settlements between the parties of sell and purchase agreement in Russia 

5. Solving conflict situations

  • Applications, petitions and other procedutal cocuments submission to courts, arbitration courts, state authorities of Rissian Federation, local authorities
  • claim work (drawing up letters, claims and other documents addressed to Customer's partners and contractors)
  • representation of Customer's interests in courts, arbitrage courts of Russia inclung in disputes on debts' recovery.

1. Drawing up an application to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry ti issue a Certificate;
2. Collection of all necessary documents;
3. Providing the application to Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
4. Correcting mistakes in case the Customer filled the application in unappropriated way. 

1. Solving pre-trial disputes in case of misunderstanding with Customer's partners concerning agreement's execution in conditions of force majeure.
2. Drawing up additional agreements to contracts which could be impossible in the conditions of force majeure;
3. Proofreading of agreemnts, negotiating with Customer's partners, supplement of disputes;
4. We offer most favourable conditions for the customer during the trial (evidence collection, regulatory framework, documents for the court), Customers's interests representative in the court, drafting claim statements, reviews/objections on pre-trial claims or claim statements in case it is impossible to solve problems with Customer's partners during negotiations at pre-trial disputes.

1. Drawing up letters to landlords on behalf of tennant to reduce rent or to offer rent free period,
2. Drawing up additional agreemnts to rent contracts,
3. Editing additional agreemnts or new lease agreements provided by landlord himself,
4. Solving another issues corcerning letting movable or immovable properties.

The main activity of our company is accounting according to RAS standarts. The amount of work depends on client's order. It could be full complex of economical services such as: preparation and input of primary documents, tax accounting, reporting, business analysis, tax minimization and much more.  Moreover, if client wants to take on any amount of accountinf work, it is also possible. In ths case, we think over the best option for joint activities not to double functions and price was good for the client. Our clients have economical support upon any issue in full-time regime. 

We recommend to econimical entities do not avoid the opportunity to specify those conditions which may affect the taxation on executed transactions in contracts. This recommendation is based on contracts analysis. Also we calculate economical losses or benefits during contracts' analysis. 

We help newly created companies to choose optimal taxation system. 
At the existing company we carry out accounting statement,  document management development and its implementation. There is often a situation when company grows turning from small to medium, but accounting is done in old-fashioned way. And nimber of responcible employees gtows, it becomes difficult to control them every minute and provide information o time. There is time lose and intentional theft of resouces in the company. Company management asks us for help. We study the entire production process, create organisational structure, develop document manangement schedule and implement it in the company.  After that in becomes easy and comvenient to work to all departments of the company and management will be ablr to controll the business. 

In case there was no accounting or tax treatment or it was not maintained properly we will help to recover it. This job is expensive and complicated. We use price of monthly accounting services at this company multiplied by the number of months of accounting that require restotation to arrange the price for this service. Due to complexity of this work, it takes a lot of time, but we do our best to complete it as soon as possible.  

We provide consulting services concerning accounting organisation, accounting statement, tax minimization in accordance with applicable law and other statements. Also we provide consulting services on topical issues of application on certain regulatory acts, depending on situation.

1. HR Administration audit. Adutor's opinion will be provided;
2. Local normative acts development. Arranging amendments to current local normative acts. 
3. Reconstruction of personnel documents upon necessity (full or partial - upon client's order);
4. HR Administration:

  • Hiring of new employee administration (labour agreement, hiring order,  job description,  personal cardТ-2)
  • Personnel transfers administration (employees' agreements/notifications for employee, additional agreement to the labour contract, transfer order, put the entry to personal card Т-2)
  • Dismissal administration (dismissal reason registration, dismissal order, put entry to personnel card T-2)
  • Business trips administration (business trip order, work on weelend order – upon necessity)
  • Vacations administration (annual paid vacation,  maternity leave,  non-paid vacation)
  • Salary indecsation administration upon necessity (indecsation orders,  additional agreemnts to labour contracts)

5. Staff schedule registraion and maintenance
6. Vacaction schedule preparation
7. Labour books administration

  • Registration of newcommers' labour books in the journal
  • Registration of inserts to the labour books
  • Registration of labour books dublicates
  • Put entries concerning hiring, transfer and dismissal to the labour books
  • Put entries conerning awards to the abour books upon necessity

Many organisations will need effective hR solutions to perform management decisions during the pandemy.
You can contact us and our HR and labour law practice experts will help you to solve following issues:

  1. Transfer employees to remote working place (Orders concerning switch to remote work)
  2. Registration of need to work during non-working day, declared i the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (consulting concerning registration of such work, payment for such work, maintaning blank of Agreement to work in non working day, Order to work in non-working day preparation) 
  3. Consultiong on legality of labour contracts termination with employees. 
  4. REgistration of termination of labour agreement upon legally based reasons during pandemy (termination order preparation, put an entry to the personal card, put necessary entry to labour book, Pension fund notification on next day after dismissal).
  5. Registration of downtime due to circomstances beyond the control of parties (downtime order maintenence which indects its duration, payment method, notification labour service about downtime, downtime act maintenance).
  6. Registration of transfer to the part-time work schedule (additional agreement maintenence, part-time work order maintenence).

Legal support of companies registration and changes to the constituent documentation;
Consultations on the company’s deeds, expertise of documentation;
Labor law issues, documentation elaboration and processing;
Administrative, civil, tax, land and corporate law consultations;
Legal support of business negotiations and deals;
Documentation preparation — contracts, letters, claims, complaints, objections;

Participation in the development of the structure of ownership and management, including foreign legal entities, planning and support of realization of the procedures; 
Legal support of establishing and registration of legal entities (LLC, JSC, PJSC, non-commercial organizations), branches and representative offices, sole proprietor;
Registering the changes to the constituent documents (increase/decrease of authorized capital, sale of shares and equities, withdrawals, etc. Registering the changes to the Unified Register of Legal Entities;
Drawing up and actualization of constituent and internal documents;
Legal support of reorganization of the legal entities: planning of procedures, drawing up of relevant documentation, interaction with state authorities, state registration;
Liquidation, bankruptcy of legal entities;
Obtaining a statement from the Unified Register of Legal Entities;
Legal support in Federal Tax Service Department #46.

Migration registration services for foreigners: primary registration and prolongation;
Preparation of labour agreement projects to receive work permit;
Notification upon conclusion/termination of labour agreement.

Drawing up and registration of the contract of sale, donation, exchange contracts for real property (apartment, apartment share, room), drawing up a contract of advance payment;
Formalization of contracts for sale of non-residential property, registering the transfer of title;
Registration of leasing contract of non-residential premises for a year and longer;
Registration of rights (transfer of rights) on sale contract of apartments, rooms (as well as share rights), using the mortgage funds;
Registration of agreement of assignment (cessions) with contract of shared investment property construction (including mortgage);
Registration of first title for the apartment (on condition that the object has “opening of the address”);
Registration of cost-sharing agreement (including mortgage);
Registration of collateral for real estate property;
Obtaining a statement from Unified State Register of Rights for Real Estate Property.

Drawing up and legal analysis all types of commercial contracts;
Drawing up and legal analysis of international treaties;
Deals support, participation in correspondence and negotiations with counterparts;

Pre-trial settlement (claims preparation, participation in negotiations to settle the disputed issues, etc.); 
Trial arrangements (preparation of claims and complaints, opinions of claims, appellate appeals, cassation and supervisory appeals, applications and other procedural documents, running the cases in courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration and tribunal courts as representatives of the claimant and respondent in all judicial institutions);

Filing and legal support of enforcement proceedings: court bailiffs actions control, applications and requests drawing up, appeals against actions/omissions to act, recourse to the property in the courts.

Providing information and consultation services to protect the rights and interests while developing and promoting goods and services at Russian markets for objects of intellectual property:  inventions, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks, service marks and names of geographical indications, computer programs and databases;
Registration of rights for intellectual property; 
Development and registration of contracts for disposition of intellectual rights, license contracts, disposition contracts on applications to register objects of intellectual property, restructuring agreements and contracts termination agreements;
Maintaining the force of patents for inventions and utility models, extension of the validity periods for trademarks, changes entering to the registry services.

M&A support;
Debt financing consultations;
Cost analysis consultations;
Due Diligence, Risk evaluation and control;
Establishing of companies and general corporate support; 
Legal support of business negotiations and deals;
Documentation preparation: claims, complaints to enterprises and governmental authorities.